I know it is that time again because I have been relaxing on the couch all day. This is unheard of in my house on a Saturday! Usually I spend this day running, cooking, cleaning, and doing anything I can think of not to sit still. The best part is the students haven't even started yet! This year we wanted to revamp a few areas in the classroom and make it even more colorful and bright and I am pretty happy with how everything turned out. Most of my pictures are pretty blurry, but in my defense I took them on Friday after cutting, cleaning, and crafting all week. Plus my phone is a cracked piece of junk and only had 12% charge. If I am a good girl I am hoping Santa will bring me a new camera for Christmas (Hint Hint Brent!) I will try to take some better pictures on Monday after the kiddos leave for their half day.
Let's begin our classroom tour where the children begin their day. Nothing much changed with our classroom door this year because we love our cute little owl theme and
4K really is a Hoot!
We added some cute blue border around our Star Of The Week door to add a little pop of color. I can't wait to start displaying our kiddo's posters each week.
One of the biggest changes we made to our decor was revamping this wall to the right of the classroom door.
We redid our classroom schedule to include some of our new classroom activities like morning journals and word work/sight word time. I found this free printable which helped make things so much easier in this weary time crunched teacher. It didn't include exactly every single thing I needed so I am still working on a few pieces for our morning work time and our word work time.
Right next to our schedule is a little dry erase board I painted a pretty blue color. This will be for us teachers to use to write reminders before the students leave each day.
Another big change was to our sign in chart. This is a wonderful visual for is to see who is and isn't at school and it also helps when we have students pulled from the classroom for different activities like playing and working in the angel classroom. I am actually going to change the bottom space to something other than "Angel Room" because we have a few friends who attend other activities so I would like it to be a more general label so I know who is where at all times. When the students enter the classroom they will find the clip with their name on it and move it to the green square labeled "In". After they use the potty after lunchtime they will move their clip back to the "Out" space. This helps is keep track of who has and hasn't used to restroom which is very useful when you are trying to clean up after lunch while answering 22 individual questions am requests while also trying to make sure you have eyes on all 22 babies at all times!
I already had this dismissal sign we just moved it from another area of the room. This helps us have a visual of where each student needs to go t the end of everyday which can be quite the task!!
I also already had this cute little behavior clip chart.
I had these cute classroom rules signs but I never got around to hanging them up last year so I was determined to make it happen this time around.
My newest addition came from an impulse but during a dollar tree visit to buy up all of their clothespins. He is so cute and I love him. We need to come up with a good name for our new classroom mascot.
I have been collecting these cute and colorful motivational signs for a while now. They were all free which makes them even more cute!
Another one of our newest additions is our "Look What We're Learning" focus board. I used this board for almost the same purposes before, now we just have a little more info.
We of course have our calendar and right next to that is a place for directions for all of our activities.
The next space is where we will place the letter, number, shape, and sight words we are learning about.
The last two spots are where I will display what our morning activity will be (journals, letter craft, letter person puppet craft, table toys, etc.) and next to that is the board we use to rotate our afternoon jobs. Incase you are wondering what Jobs are they are differentactivities the students complete like math activities, alphabet recognition, writing activities, etc.
It doesn't look like it would cause full body exhaustion, but this cute little classroom wears me out each and ever year!! Add in some lesson plan prep and I am sleeping like a baby every night!
I can officially say without a doubt that we are ready for the 2014-2015 school year!!!