Sunday, October 27, 2013


I am just going to say it and you may think I am nuts, but I highly dislike short school weeks!! 4 days is definitely not enough time to get everything done and it is definitely not enough to prepare for the next week.

Most people think preschool is all fun and games and it is, but those fun and games take a lot time and preparation to seem more like fun and less like work. If you have never walked into a classroom full if 20 four year olds without every single thing you might need ready and waiting to go then you are basically walking into a lions den full of lions who haven't eaten in 3 weeks. Four year olds like routine and structure and down time is the worst thing that can happen to a classroom. To make sure this never happens and just incase I can not be at school I spend the entire previous week getting everything and I mean EVERYTHING prepared and layed out for the following week. This means everything is copied, laminated, and in a labeled box or folder ready to go. Now I have a ton of help which makes things much easier, but it still takes us about 4 days to get it all done. 

If you think about it, during a typical 5 day week we usually complete 3 activities first things in the morning (lowercase letter craft, coloring letter person puppet, coloring uppercase and lowercase letter sheet), 4-5 games or crafts that go along with our theme or a book we read, 5 afternoon activities/jobs, letter writing and drawing a picture of something starting with that letter each and every week. That is 13-15 activities all with multiple components all requiring 20 sets!! Holy Moly I just got more exhausted than i already am just typing all of that out. 

Right now I am also working on assessing each one of our babies to prepare for parent teacher conferences coming up in a few weeks. I only have a few assessments left to finish up and the day they are done I will be celebrating with a big ole gluten free pizza and cupcake from Whole Foods! 

Wish me luck and send me prayers that I make it through these next few weeks unscathed! I am looking forward to meeting with all of our wonderful parents so I can tell them what a wonderful job each and every one of their babies are doing, but for now I am going to go cuddle with my girl and not look at this giant notebook anymore!

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