Friday, February 7, 2014

My Baby Just Wrote Me A Letter

Sadly this is not a post about my love of Joe Cocker. This is just a little post about our week spent learning about the post office. 

We actually started off our week learning about a cute little guy called the groundhog. Fun fact! Did you know another name for the groundhog is a woodchuck. I love that I am still learning new thins everyday and if I am excited about learning I know my babies will also be excited. Groundhog's Day actually occurred on Sunday so I already knew what the outcome of Punxatawny Phil's day in the sun was, but I wanted to see what the babies thought had happened. We decided to graph our guess if he did or did not see his shadow, but we needed something to graph so we had everyone make their own Groundhog/Woodchuck out of hearts since Valentines Day was approaching. 

On Tuesday we read The jolly Postman and learned all about the different types of letters/mail. We learned all about addressing and writing letters and then we decided it would be even more fun to make mailboxes to hang up in our classroom for our friends to send us mail in to. After we designed and hung up our mailboxes each friend drew a name from a hat and they had to write a letter to the friend whose name they drew. We learned that when writing a letter you wrote To and that friends name and From and your name. Before we could deliver our letters everyone made a mail carrier hat and then they used the name they drew to match to the mailbox of that friend and deliver the letter they wrote.

I wanted to find some way to help my friends understand all of the different places we lived (planet, continent, country, state, city, school) and I found this cute activity on Pinterest. Sadly I could not locate a link, but I love how it turned out. We went through all of the different places we live and then each student cut out the colored circles and we went through 1 by one adding them to our rings. We started with the Earth because that is the planet we live on. Then we added North America because that is the continent we live on. In North America we live in the United States of America. In the United States not all of our class lives in Tennessee so we used the State that our school is in. In Tennessee our school is located in the city of Memphis. In Memphis we are located in our school. All of these are such difficult abstract concepts, but I feel like this was one of the easiest and best hands on way I have found to teach such little people this concept.

One activity we worked on all week was a little something fun since Valentine's Day was coming up the next week. We wanted to make sure everyone had something to take home all of their goodies in. One of my room moms came sent me a few links of cute ideas but This one was my favorite. I loved it because it allowed each student to be creative and it had an element of Earth Friendliness because we were reusing milk jugs.

For jobs this week we made a Penguin P and a piano p

We wrote the room using Post Office Words

We sorted, graphed, counted, and wrote the number of different coins.

My friends favorite thing this week was of course having mailboxes they could create things and stuff them into for their friends. We left our mailboxes up for a few weeks until they all started falling off of the wall and with everything else falling down everyday we decided to go ahead and send them home to be hung up.

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