Saturday, September 21, 2013

Apple Extravaganza!

Last week we learned all about one of my favorite fruits! Juicy Delicious Apples! We learned that apples grow from seeds that grow into trees that grow apples. 

To start off Apple Week we had an Apple Tasting. Each student got a tiny bite of a red, green, and yellow apple. After tasting each student got a blank apple that they colored in with the color of the one they liked the best. Then we graphed the apples to see which one had the most and the least apples. 

After we finished out tasting and graphing we all worked on  an Apple Glyph
Look at that beautiful cutting! I am so proud of all of my friends and how hard they have been working. 

Wednesday we worked on our lowercase a apples

Thursday we worked on our fine motor skills by creating our very own apple trees by ripping different colors of paper 

During Job time we completed several fun activities mainly concentrating on number recognition, counting, and. One to one correspondence (counting a group if objects and matching the correct number to the set. 

We matched the apple tree tops with apples to the trunk with the matching number. 

We counted apple seeds and matched the other half of the apple with the correct number. 

We rolled a dice with the numbers 1-6 and colored in the matching apple in the apple tree.

Last but not least I wanted to do another assessment and had the students sort colors. 

To commemorate such a fun week we threw an Apple Extravaganza and tasted all kinds of Apple products We had apple juice, apple pie, apple cereal bars, fresh apples dipped in caramel, apple butter on biscuits, apple sauce, and dried apple chips. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and they keep asking me each week when we will have another Apple Party.

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